“It’s never too late! Once you are genuinely ready, you can learn how to love yourself and another. “
Testimonials from Jeff Levine’s Patients and Colleagues
(Posted with Permission)
To get a better sense of Jeff’s process and commitment to the success of those who enter treatment with him, please scroll through and read the stories of others who have sought his help for many different issues.
Dr Levine,
Thank you for the time you spend with me. I appreciate the care you have shown me both inside and outside of the office. You have certainly changed my life for the better!
I wanted to express my gratitude for your guidance, support and advice throughout the years.
I am incredibly grateful for everything that you have taught me.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience with me. You are an amazing person and I am blessed to have you in my life!
Hello Jeff, Life is good, busy, but very good. Hope all is well with you. I recall throughout my time with you, your tapping your watch saying “in 15 minutes you’ll be 50.” Well, my 15 minutes was up last June as I turned 50. Just hit 25 years with the NYPD, 15 wonderful years of marriage and 2 boys 9 and 7. I couldn’t have done it without you! Stay well Jeff.
Hi Jeff, I want to thank you for seeing my daughter today and being the person that you are. She said she really enjoyed talking with you. Thank you again!
Jeff, After leaving your office today I realized I had a couple of obstacles to overcome. I cannot believe the way I handled myself. You are showing me moment by moment, how to show up like a respectful, caring, courageous individual. Every time I leave your office, I feel like I have a piece of you when I go. I cannot thank you enough for this change you’ve started to create in my life. I look forward to walking down this long road with you next to me! Thank you for everything!!
Jeff, I’m sorry for not responding to your email. At the time you reached out I had once again reunited with my ex and was too embarrassed to reply to your kind note. It was obvious that you knew I had gone back with him again.
As to my love life I am once again on my own again, which comes as no surprise to you. I believe this last separation a few months ago was the grand finale. His situation never really improved over the 6+ years of our unstable relationship. And I simply could not change enough to be satisfied and accepting of him “as is” with an open, happy giving heart. Took me long enough to figure that out. And, even longer to accept the fact that it was me that would have to do the changing and growing for it to work but at too big a price. I am hoping to find someone who is a better fit to share my life with, but if not, I’m in a better mental/emotional place on my own.
I want to thank you for all the work we did together and let you know that much of your insights, wisdom and guidance have stayed with me. Life has and continues to be an interesting journey. I will always look back on our sessions with respect for your skills and the impact you had on my growth. I am in OA now which I find useful in addressing my compulsive eating and addictive nature. I have made a number of good friends in the 12 Step Program which has helped with my tendency to isolate and is making it easier to let go of my attachment to my ex.
To be perfectly honest, the motivation to write to you has come from working on the task of making amends to those I have harmed or behaved inappropriately toward and you rose to the top of my list! Again, my sincere apologies for not reaching out to you directly when you had your health incident several years ago and for not returning your well intended email of last summer. I was too self – centered to see past my own feelings of shame for being too weak to give up a “less than” relationship. Now, I –mostly :) look forward, not back…. All The Best!
Dear Jeff, After reading your recent Blog “How To’s and Tips” I finally made a resolution to send you my testimony. Here it is.
I was referred to Jeff in 2002. Jeff counseled me for the next 1w0 years.
Jeff was quick to understand my struggles with alcoholism. He demonstrated real understanding of my illness and how it was affecting my life and the lives of others in my family. Jeff’s treatment approach was strong but compassionate. He made no bones about the danger of relapsing or toying with a drink or two.
I am now in this way expressing my gratitude to Jeff for helping me cope with my father’s passing in December 2002 and my mother’s dementia which started in 2011 and continues.
I believe Jeff is a powerful force in counseling for all who suffer from addiction of any nature, depression and anger – I suffered from all the above.
As Jeff advised, I continue to attend AA meetings regularly and maintain a life of sobriety and harmony with my loving wife, our families and friends.
Thank you Jeff, for all your understanding, counseling and support! I would not be here today without knowing you and experiencing the strength of your direction and advice.
Thank you Jeff. Your words in “Charleston, a Father’s Day Thought” are healing in this time of national grief and loss. It is a tribute for our capacity to be conscious and to choose love over hate in the midst of our own pain.
Thank you Jeff… I am handling it much better with what I learned from you over the years. Thank you for your kind words, thoughts and for the tools you have given me for living a healthier, happier life! Stay well.
Hi Jeff, I must thank you for today! It’s hard to describe the feelings in words… but I feel like I have changed already in a way… I am having an incredible day with my children. Thank you!
Hello Jeff, Valentine’s Day Weekend with my fiancé was beautiful and wonderful. I’m SO happy Jeff!! Thank you again, as always, for your contribution to my healing and presence in my own life. Peace…
Hello Jeff, Thank you for sending Twenty Years Later, It’s Worse and for feeling the way you do about assault and rape. My daughter, now forty three, single, educated, petite and pretty, was raped at her University by a stranger. She was out jogging on a warm summer day, the last week of her senior year. She was an honor student with a great life ahead of her.
We both attend group support meetings for the survivors and family members of rape victims. She has been in therapy for years. I have also had a lot of therapy ever since. I hope that eventually she will be able to get beyond this and have the kind of life she deserves!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your blog and for your feelings!!
I want you to know how very meaningful our work has been to my growth! I highly value our relationship, your insights and teachings. They have helped me see who I am, identify the areas for me to continue to work on and have illuminated the qualities and values to find in a mate whom I may commit to with unconditional love. Hopefully, he will appear in my lifetime. In the meantime, the work on myself continues.
As I reflect on all that I am thankful for today, your teachings, wisdom and support quickly come to mind. Hope you are enjoying the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Jeff, We are driving to NJ for Thanks giving; we live in Maine now, and as we crossed the TZ Bridge, I wondered if your office is still nearby? So I googled you and discovered you are. We are fine, married 30 yrs. next year and still remembering how much you helped us back in the 80s. Would love to hear from you Jeff. All the best from us both, Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Jeff, Thank you so much for everything you have done for me! I feel like I have made so much progress under your wing. I am also thankful knowing you will provide me with that support again, should I feel the need to reach out to you in the future.
You have done a great job giving our daughter new capacities to challenge and overcome her panic and anxiety. We are very grateful! We had an easy and enjoyable trip bringing her back to college – very different from the last time when she was weeping to get out of the car and furiously contacting everyone she could at 7:30 in the morning. It is like she is finally coming up for air after a long time underwater. Many thanks!!
Thank you. Therapy with you has already changed my life!
I’ll certainly seek out your treatment again when I need more help with my ADHD and relationship issues. I wouldn’t be where I’m at if now if it hadn’t been for your guidance. I learned self-responsibility and how to work on not projecting, but instead getting to the bottom of my fears without judging myself. You taught me the importance of cultivating responsible self-love and compassion for myself and others in the wake of uncertainty and that it is essential to happiness! Thank you for being a part of my journey!
My path of growth has been a long, hard journey and without your generous referral to Jeff, I doubt that I would have evolved on my own to such a wonderfully enlightened place. I am so grateful to you and to him!
You’re making hugh strides in helping my family! Thank you.
Just want to let you know how much I appreciate all the guidance you have given me over the years which has enabled me to grow beyond what I thought I was capable of!
I want to thank you for helping me through this difficult time – your support and guidance is invaluable!
Jeff, It’s very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day things that seem to take up one’s time. Most often, contrary to what we think, these things are not really what’s important. In general, we just seem to put ourselves on “auto-pilot” doing what we feel we need to do (to self-satisfy).
I felt the need to do something really important, and acknowledge the help that you’ve given me and to thank you for it. Thank You Very Much! You are truly a great man with genuine intentions. With you a client is not just a client. You understand that each and every person has his or her own story and with their story, unique “baggage”. But in the end most of us want the same things, to be heard and understood, to be recognized for who we are – to spend our time with people we really care about and who care about us.
It was easy to see your sincerity and commitment to helping me understand. I appreciated the many times you had to remind me to “say it another way” until I could hear the message. Thank you for teaching me how to help myself!!
I am a client from long ago. I hope you’ll remember me. I’ve thought of you now and again, always with gratitude for discoveries I made during my therapy with you. So I am sending this email to once again thank you for your insight and wisdom. I will always be grateful for the many gifts you gave to me!
As always Jeff, great article! My wife and I are now parents. Our daughter was born on September 12th. There is nothing like seeing your child smile. I wouldn’t be here without your hard work and sage advice and thought you deserved to know how great a person I think you are.
On numerous occasions since I have been working with you, friends and family have remarked about the very positive changes they’re experiencing in my personality. My personal relationships are so much more rewarding now. But what I didn’t think about was how therapy would impact my business life.
Recently a longtime client at a Fortune 500 company began giving me a lot more projects. She told me that she wanted to work with me more because I’m so much more flexible in meeting their needs and that my overall client service is at a much higher level. And a man who provides services to my company said with a big smile, “You’re so nice to work with now. You used to be a terror!”
Now that I’m able to be more loving and giving to myself and others, it pays dividends in all aspects of my life. In the case of my business, not only are my day-to-day interactions more enjoyable for my clients and me, but the returns are monetary and tangible. Therapy is far more than paying for itself! Thank you so much.
It has been over five years since we last saw or spoke to each other so I wanted to send you this letter to let you know that I think of you often and continue to be grateful for all of the help and guidance you provided to both of us. A few months ago we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and it has been the best 5 years of my life. I have learned a lot in the past five years building my company. Building a business has not been easy but it has been exciting. I no longer feel anger or regret towards my ex and we enjoy a very amicable relationship. Time has given me much perspective on my divorce, as you said it would and that the way we act has considerable impact on how people treat us. I hope all is well with you and thanks for everything you have done for me. It continues to pay me big dividends.
You helped me more than you could ever know! I am making music with amazing musicians and you helped me get here. The love you showed me, SHOWED me what love is. I help myself every day by reflecting on the things you taught me. I’ve had a very successful year as a musician and have been able to live comfortably due to my gigs. I’ve played some concerts in front of thousands and my band and I are getting some serious attention from people in the music business. It’s hard to believe things could be any better. I hope you are well and wish you “Happy Holidays!”
Just a quick note to thank you for the considerable help you gave me in dealing with my current relationship problems. You provided the clarity and encouragement to make the needed call. I look forward to filling you in on the details. He was not at all surprised or defensive. He was disappointed, but open, honest and appreciative of the strength of character it took for me to make such a phone call. I am pleased with how I handled myself – the conversation was very positive. Friendship may be an option. Like I said, you deserve a bonus! I am so grateful to have you to work with and highly value your skillfulness. Again, thank you!
It has been almost four years, since my father passed away after his long illness. My stepmother; considerably younger, was his caregiver and they did have a loving, passionate relationship. As you know, she missed him in a profound way when he was gone. Although she moved on with her life on certain levels – getting a job and maintaining social relationships with a few trusted friends – she was prolonging her bereavement and couldn’t imagine having another loving relationship after my father. She expressed her loneliness after a year or so and shared with my brother and me some abortive attempts to date. We both care deeply for her and know her as an exceptionally loving person who deserves to love again. With your help, she has been able to recognize that her husband – our father – is gone, but she is still here and that she owes it to herself to celebrate her own life, embracing the possibilities that the future might hold.
You helped her give up the negative self-talk, that nothing like her love for our father would ever happen again. She has now embraced the possibility that life may hold different – and perhaps even better – experiences if only she opens herself to them. Jeff, your wise counsel and understanding of human psychology – particularly your in-depth knowledge of the nature of human love – has our dear stepmother moving ahead with renewed optimism and love of life. My brother and I want to express our gratitude for all the help you have provided.
I feel better than I ever have! Whatever happens… I know I have the strength and the confidence to go forward. There are things I cannot control, but nobody – ever again – will control my ship. I understand I may run into storms from time to time and when I do, I will simply have to stay my course. I also realize that our children will benefit from my understanding the pain I have been through. My eyes are wide open now and I will not repeat the past. I am excited about the future and eager to see what I can accomplish! Thank you for working with me. I admire your honesty and willingness to help me through this.
It’s been quite some time. You are still thought of often – your words of wisdom still echo almost daily in our lives. We could never thank you for the invaluable guidance you have given us! Life is wonderful for us! We celebrate our lives and marriage as often as possible because we know… remembering your words “In 15 minutes – we’ll be 50.” With much Love and Thanks.
We very much appreciate your patience, insight and demeanor while teaching us to see past the surface. You are providing us and others with invaluable knowledge about helping ourselves make our lives better! Thanks A Million!!
Nyack Public Schools – Burton Katz, LCSW I write on behalf of Jeffrey D. Levine, LCSW whom I have known professionally for five years. I am The School Social Worker for the three elementary schools in The Nyack School District.
Five years ago, Mr. Levine called to discuss a student. I was impressed with his professionalism and insight. He remained in contact, keeping me informed about that student’s progress. I learned to respect and trust his professional judgments and have continued to refer students and their families to him with confidence. Mr. Levine is a knowledgeable clinician who understands children, adolescents and family system dynamics from diverse cultural backgrounds. He understands the social, emotional and academic difficulties children experience. Teachers and other professional school personnel have voiced appreciation for his availability, style of communication, successful work and understanding of public schools.
I have referred many students and their families to Mr. Levine for counseling / therapy and continue to refer to him with confidence.
I can’t begin to thank you for all you have done for us over these past few years. If there is anyone responsible for us meeting, falling in love, getting and remaining on the path we share – it is you. You were there for it all and remain a tremendous part of our lives. You are one of the most loving and compassionate people I have ever come to know. I thank you for changing my life – showing me how to love myself and what it takes to love and respect others – most of all my loving and beautiful wife.
You’ve always told me “negativity kills the crap out of life!” I never really understood until I was there again, lost in that negative place (scared and angry) and could see that it was slowly killing me. It was then, that your voice popped into my head and I realized what you meant. I finally understood what you have been trying to teach me the whole time. At that point I knew I was learning. I want to thank you for helping me in those times when I thought no one could understand me. You taught me so much. The most important thing was, how to love myself! I now feel confident in the choices I make. I am taking a big step in my life now and I am excited about it. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you have done with me and for the things you have taught me. I will never forget you – you have impacted my life more than you will ever know. You have also helped my parents and I am forever grateful for that also. Their relationship has gotten better and it’s thanks to you. You have taught me what it means to work on yourself and how important doing that is.
When we first met I was without hope, energy, and sadly, the will to live. I was at the bottom of my existence and never would have imagined that the life I wanted could be realized. And then I began to meet with you every week. You listened, you understood and you cared in a way that no one else ever did. With your counsel, I developed the capacity to be the person I wanted to be. Importantly, I had the courage to capture my potential. After three years of working with you, I experienced the best day of my life – my wedding day. I now enjoy every day and understand the true meaning of “celebrating my life.” Without you, my transformation would not have been possible. Thank you for saving my life!
Throughout the time of my insane use of drugs and alcohol, I always knew there was a different person up under all that madness, but at that time I didn’t know how to ask for help. I guess my huge pride and ego were in the way. Now that I’ve been in the Recovery Program, I’m taking steps to clean up that mess of a life, and know the things that I’m learning are gifts. In order for me to keep these gifts I must take care of them and continue to grow spiritually. The feeling I have right now is a deep sense of relief and gratitude. Thanks for all the help that you have given me!
Today is Thanksgiving and I want to tell you how thankful I am for all your help in giving me a chance to get a fresh start on a new life. I am thirty-five and was on my way to the grave. Drugs and alcohol ruled my life for years. My marriage was ended because it seemed that I loved drugs more than my family. I couldn’t even make it to my son’s soccer games. I’m getting myself together and working very hard every day to change. With much gratitude for all your help and guidance!
Thank you for all you do and have done for us Jeff. Not sure what my life would look like if I had not met you.
Greenwich Council, No. 67 Boy Scouts of America 63 Mason St. Greenwich, CT 06830 Dear Mr. Levine, The Greenwich Council, Boy Scouts of America and the faculty of The Western Junior High School join with me in thanking you… Thank you for your service to the young people and the community of Greenwich. Sincerely, John Fahey Council Executive
I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you what a positive difference you have made in my life. For 33 years I had lived my life from a very guarded place, scared and never trusting anyone…what a lonely place. I guess one could say I chose the perfect career for myself…becoming a NYC Police Sergeant.
I know now, among many other things, that doing so was not coincidental. I had gone from one unsuccessful relationship to another. Blaming my pain and misfortunes on those around me was easy, but it didn’t change me, the way I thought, or the unhealthy choices I made. I was still very alone.
Two and half years ago all that began to change for me when I had the unique opportunity to cross paths with you. Although other therapists’ styles and techniques were unsuccessful with me in the past, I remained reluctantly open to you. I remember you sitting down with me talking about this “path”…and about all this work and looking at myself I had to do. That it wouldn’t come easily and that I would get out of it what I put into it. You told me that the benefits would be absolutely incredible. I did not believe what you were telling me at times, but you saw me through, every step of the way…through some of the most painful and frightening times of my life… reassuring me that I was indeed on the right path. This was my first experience trusting anyone!
Over time I was able to understand and things began to become more clear and make sense to me. I began to feel things and think in ways I never imagined possible. Thanks to you I have had the opportunity to meet a wonderful woman… who herself with is now on that “path” you often speak of. Through your guidance, I have been able to experience, for the very first time, a relationship that has love, trust, mutual respect, and true intimacy, where we can both grow… None of that would have been possible without you.
Using the tools you have provided me with, I will continue to learn and grow in every stage of my life and I hope to pass on some of what you have taught me to others. I wanted you to know that you are thought of and referred to often and that some of your words and phrases are quoted by me frequently…and will be forever.
You are the man who has guided me on the path that has changed my life forever… I just wanted to say thank you for all you have done for me and given me. With much gratitude and appreciation.
There’s much I wish to tell you, but very little space. I hope this “homemade” card says it all… On the other side of this Front Door, Lives a Happy Family. They are remembering you during this season of the heart. Thank you so very much, for so very much!
After finding out I was HIV+ with AIDS… I was hit with an avalanche of problems to conquer and things to take care of: countless doctors, hospitals, Social Services, Social Security, undertaker, church, my lover, family, relatives and friends. In the midst of my emergency, you were my 911. Thank God you were there!
I have wanted to write to you for several weeks… My sorrow and pain have not eased, and I am happy only when I can think of the time I was able to spend with my son over the past several months…. You helped him through the whole ordeal of his tragic illness.
Even though his suffering was constant, he never lost his sense of humor and always had a special place in his heart for his very special friends of which you were one. He spoke of you many times since the day he met you, until the very end. You helped him more than you will ever know. When he met you, he said that you were so different… that you restored his faith and confidence in human beings. I will always be grateful for your true friendship, your many phone calls and trips to the hospital, which aided him in holding on to his faith and courage.
On behalf of the Office of HIV Information and Services and the clients we serve, I thank you for the service and support you have provided our HIV positive patients. This infection has great stigma associated with it. Having a caring, compassionate individual like yourself providing counseling, is vital. Thomas J. Mahoney Director, Office of HIV Information and Services Department of Health Town of Greenwich, CT
To: Commissioner Dept. of Social Services Greenwich, CT
Sometime ago I came to your Dept. needing help. My life was a mess! I was suffering from the consequences of drug addiction. I was introduced to drugs and alcohol in my family before I was seven years old and got in trouble with the criminal justice system. I have had unhealthy relationships with everything and everyone. My life was really crazy and I was very angry. I did not want to ask for help, since I trusted “no one.”As it turned out, coming to your department was the best decision I have ever made! That was the day I met Mr. Levine who told me that if I was truly ready to change and get my life on a sane road, that I could succeed and he promised he would help me.
The first thing he did that very day, was contact a friend of his who directs a drug rehab. and arranged for my admission into that program. Mr. Levine remained in regular contact with me while I was in that program. After I got discharged, I returned to your Dept. needing an after care program of continued counseling and guidance. He provided that also. I was still not able to trust him completely but we met on a weekly basis. He treated me with respect, but confronted those things he said represented unhealthy attitudes and behaviors. Over time I began to see he was for real. He came through on every promise he made and helped me to see the wisdom in the values he emphasized; honesty, courage, humility and caring about others.
Then one day he said he was resigning his position in Greenwich at the end of the year. It felt very uncomfortable to hear this since he had become very important to me. He told me at that time, if I was comfortable with the idea of writing a thank you letter to the Dept. for the help I had received, it would be appreciated. It took a long time for me to do this because I did not have a typewriter.
I think the loss of Mr. Levine is unfortunate for Greenwich. He is an uncommon man! I want to offer my thanks to your Dept. for your assistance and for Mr. Levine, who taught me so much! I have a new life now that can be as good as I am willing to make it.
We celebrated our 8th anniversary this week. Over a bottle of champagne, we were reminiscing over the years. At almost the same time, we both mentioned your name and started talking about how much you helped us. Roger said “Jeff was fabulous for us!” That’s a true quote. And you did help us enormously, Jeff. We have a tender, wonderful marriage – not always perfect, by any means, but very loving, accepting and honest. We learned how to trust each other and make ourselves vulnerable. We learned so much from you and we’re very grateful. This is not the first time I’ve thought of you with appreciation, but it’s the first time I’ve really let you know.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your much valued help… I phoned you because I was having problems with civil service tests. I advised you that in prior tests, I had failed one and scored very low on another. My visits with you were very enlightening to say the least and your approaches to my problems proved very helpful. I am happy to advise you that I finished second on the two promotional tests I took in February. I just want to express my thanks again. I have regained my self-esteem and look at each day with a more positive attitude. I truly believe your help made all the difference.
Thank you….most importantly, for referring me to Jeff Levine. You know it hasn’t been that long ago that I was definitely messed up. Since I began treatment with Jeff I have made great progress, which would not have been possible without him. I have never been able to stick with any kind of treatment before. I guess that’s because I never felt the people I saw were any good. Jeff is good and that makes my life so much better. I really feel he is unique in his methods. Working with Jeff has become a very important part of my recovery. Again I thank you for this.
Our work together has permanently changed the course of my life for the better! Through your teachings, I have developed the courage to love myself and now accept the responsibility that requires. Our work has opened up a new path for my life that is healthier, more awake, loving and “on purpose” than anything I could have ever achieved on my own.
When I first walked into your office, I had no idea how asleep I was, or how disconnected from what is really important in life. You have taught me so many things no one else ever has, especially the true meaning of humility. Thank you for holding a mirror in front of me – challenging me to make the very difficult changes that my life was desperately in need of.
I am now in the most fulfilling, wonderful, committed and emotionally intimate relationship of my life. This relationship is with the woman I love and we owe our happiness to you. You have been one of the most positive influences in my life and I cannot thank you enough!
When I first came to your office, I was full of fear and pain. My life was spinning out of control. You helped me find my way back onto the right path and to see the love inside me that I thought was lost. I now know how precious the gift you gave me is – I could never thank you enough!
Thank you for helping me get through my drug rehab. I wish I had listened to your counseling before, but at that time I did not understand very much about addiction like I do now. I was also very stubborn through my addiction. But this time when I came for help and you gave me counseling, I took your suggestions.
Now that I’ve been clean and sober for six months and I look back on my life, I wish I did it years ago. I’ve got a job today and am involved in C/A and N/A meetings. I chair an N/A meeting on Wednesday nights. I understand now that I will always be a drug addict, but today I am no longer an active drug addict and my disease will stay under arrest as long as I work my 12 step program, one day at a time.
Today I can say no to drugs. In the past the only time I said no to drugs, was when my friends asked me if I had “enough” yet.Today my life is not as manageable as I would like it to be, but I am showing progress. So Mr. Levine, thank you for being a big part of turning my life around.
Thank you!!! Thank you for helping me to get my life together. I could not have done it without your help… You have a special place in my heart and in my prayers.
I am writing to thank you for the fine work you have been doing for us here at Chubb. I’ve received numerous positive comments about you from employees with whom you have had contact. As well, supervisors and managers who have participated in consultations you’ve conducted have spoken highly of your approach in that forum. Your sessions have been handled professionally and effectively.
Our Employee Assistance Program is a very important segment of our health services mission. For that to be effective, employees must have confidence in the people who service their needs. Your professionalism has been most helpful in enhancing the credibility of our program. Thank you.
Joseph W. Jenkins Assistant Vice President Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
Thank you for your presentation at our January session. Your discussion on how to establish productive work relationships and deal with the obstacles one may encounter in trying to establish these relationships, provided our members with much needed insight. The discussion proved not only interesting but practical as it was directed to the corporate environment…
It has enabled me personally to be more keenly attuned to various individual factors that may have impeded my work relationships and thus productivity.
Ted Hruzd, President Northeast Region Tandem Users Group
Singles Bon Vivant Summit, New Jersey To Whom It May Concern:
I am in receipt of your news letter “Holiday Ala Carte 1992” and wish to tell you I am very much interested in any lectures or programs given by Jeff Levine.I am a psychology student at Montclair State. I also facilitate a support group for divorced and separated people. I loved his article on love in this issue of your news letter. Please inform me of any future events involving Mr. Levine.
I think it would be accurate to say that you saved my life… I realize now that I have the opportunity to make my life what I want it to be. After spending nearly my entire life making myself miserable, I see the light that positive thinking makes bright… I have learned to deal with people more effectively… My family will always confuse me, but I know now that they love me and I am learning to love them for who they are as opposed to what I wish them to be. I have you to thank for that… I really have a new respect for myself and for others who seek help. Thanks a lot.
I walked into your office that first time looking for some way to be loved and accepted. I didn’t realize that until I was able to love and accept myself, I would be unable to receive these things from any other.
So the journey began where mysteries unraveled and I discovered the source of the pain I felt. As I grew strong and able to face my deep fears, they magically melted away, one by one, slowly and steadily. Here I am years later seeing the world as a beautiful place, filled with promise. I am most of the time free and strong, making personal choices with conviction… I feel free!
I write this letter in an attempt to tell you what our therapeutic relationship has meant to me. It’s hard to do this in the context of a letter, because nothing else in my life has so profoundly moved me! But I will try……
You once told me that when I’d found my path; accepted myself, that everything about life would be different. You could not successfully have explained that to me then, but everything did change… literally! I began to experience my life as I never before thought possible. It felt like I was coming home, making some circle complete, I felt like myself. I want you to know that I am grateful to you for your love and guidance as I came to discover myself.
“It’s never too late! Once you are genuinely ready, you can learn how to love yourself and another. “